Seriously though, this mom stuff is hard work. We're pretty much on a 3-hour cycle with Jack's day. Wake up, check the diaper, eat, play for about an hour or until he gets grouchy again (the two usually coincide), calm him down and put him back down for a nap. This of course is only the general outline. There's usually one stretch in the morning where he'll be up for upwards of 5 or 6 hours, and occasionally he'll nap for 3 hours. I can't wait to get to the point where he's more predictable and able to sleep for 6 or 8 hours at a time. I miss sleeping at the same time as Dan.
Yeah, we've been working different shifts. I try to go to bed between 10pm and 1am and he goes between 9am and noon. So we see each other for a few hours in the morning and at night. We're doing it this way so that neither of us loses out on sleep. We're both way too used to sleeping for at least 8 hours that the first couple of weeks with Jack sucked since we were still on the same schedule. Why have both of us wake up every 2 hours to figure out why he's crying? Then we both want to kill ourselves the next day. Granted, I still have to wake up every 3 or 4 hours to pump... one of the joys of breast feeding. But it is what it is. It makes me miss the "just us" time even more, but I gotta get over it. We're not going to be "just us" for another 18 years.
Pretty sure last night was the beginning of the 6-week growth spurt. He's been pretty grouchy most of the time he's awake and wants to eat more frequently. Hopefully it'll only last a few days like the 3-week spurt did.
For the last couple of weeks he's been amazing. Smiley and giggly. After he cries for a minute or two after eating, and he calms back down, he likes when I hold him up while he's sitting on my lap so he can look around. He'll usually do it for 5 minutes before he gets tired of holding his head up. It's pretty amazing watching him improve every day at something so simple.
So my other sister is pregnant now! I mentioned before that her twin had her baby 10 days before I had Jack. Now she's something like 6 or 8 weeks pregnant. Basically, they met Jack and realized how epically cute he is and got down to business, if you know what I mean. So 3 cousins all within a year of each other. Nice. I just hope they all like each other.
Alright... it's about time for him to eat... again. Night!
Jack is 5 weeks, 3 days old and we're finally getting used to each other.

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