I'm on this uncharacteristic slope of change right now. The biggest being that I joined a gym. Me. The girl who almost failed her
one required semester of gym in high school for lack of participation. I loathe physical activity. But I'm tired of being fat. I have too much skin that rubs together and too many hangy/dangly bits. Why someone has yet to invent a way for me to sit on my ass all day and not get clogged arteries and cellulite is beyond me.
If I got a tan, this would basically be me. |
But when I'm at the gym, I feel awesome. When we first moved to Perrysburg, there was a little gym on site at our apartment complex. I walked the treadmill once. On top of hating physical activity, I also used to hate the fear of being judged. Now that I'm pushing 30, I just really don't care about that anymore. Mostly, I know there are people at the gym who look more gross than me, who smell worse than I do, and who grunt more disgustingly. So I'm good on the self-esteem front.
Then there's the Mirena. I got the thing for a couple of reasons. The biggest being that I don't want to get accidentally knocked up right now. That's a topic we've agreed to discuss in a couple of years. And the Mirena is more effective than those stupid pills because I can't forget the Mirena once in a while. And theoretically, with less fear of babies, there might be more...... uhhh....
...as they say. |
And we're also discussing my need for a dental bridge. I've had a "flipper" - a partial denture with 2 false teeth - for like, 15 years. Basically, I was never going to have adult teeth come down in the 7 & 10 positions. And now my dentist is noticing some irritation under the plastic in my mouth. His big suggestion was getting the permanent implants. Which sounds AWESOME. Except for the $8000+ price tag. Yeah, that's not happening. So we're looking at a bridge, eventually, which will be closer to $2500 if we still have our current insurance at the time. But it still might be a year or 2 in the future. Unless the dental office staff successfully peer pressures me before then.
Going to the gym + expensive dental work = this |
Then there's my new support system. I've become really good friends with a few of the chicks in M&M. They're amazing. I was having a poopy day today, for reasons we won't go into, and I was talking to them via Facebook chat on my Kindle at work (instead of counting pills like a good little pharm tech). A little while later, this showed up at work:
I seriously teared up. At first I thought it was from my husband because he's mainly why I was having a poopy day. Then I realized it was from a friend. And it was awesome. Like, what did I do to deserve such beautiful people in my life? Whatever it is, I'm glad it's happening.
I'm also listening to a lot more gangsta rap. So there's that.
Jack is almost 29 months old and I'm hoping my new life stuff will benefit him as much as it will me.
I read that Brown Chicken Brown Cow thing 56 times and wondering what Ohio expression it was and scratching my head before it dawned on me. OhhHHhHHhhhhhhhHh... win.
ReplyDeletekeep on the self betterment plan, dude! I'm super proud of you!