Sunday, May 16, 2010

First baby shower = success

So I was definitely worried that the baby shower today would be most awkward. The problem was, EVERYONE at this shower, aside from my sister, were people from Dan's family or his parents' friends or people from their church. Everyone went around the room and introduced themselves, and I should have paid more attention for the purpose of thanking the correct people while opening gifts. But I did not.

Eventually, we got to opening gifts, and Dan's step-mom pulled up 2 chairs, so Dan could open gifts with me. Thank god.

We ended up with a ton of onesies or little outfits, a Graco Travel System, a Fisher Price baby bath, a second bath tub, 2 Grooming Kits, a blanket, a set of burp pads, a bunch of bibs, 2 Swaddle blankets, 2 different clip on toys, a car seat snuzzler, a bottle drying rack, a Diaper Genie, and some other random little things. Pretty good haul.

I already wrote 20% of the thank-yous too, which is quite the accomplishment considering it took us like, 5 months to write them for the wedding. Whatever. I'm busy. Don't pressure me. Hand-written thank-yous are retarded anyway. Shut up.

Next thing on the baby countdown is another sonogram on Wednesday to check on his growth, then the next week I get the stitches from my biopsy out, then another baby appointment, then we get to get out of town for the first weekend in June for a wedding. I'm pretty psyched to have something to look forward to every week until the big day. Should make everything go much quicker.

News on the rash front: The soap/lotion/ointment/medication regimen is working wonders. I'm still a little itchy during the day, but I think the rash is pretty much at bay now and most of the itchiness is from my skin just being dry. Like, scratching it makes it itchy. We should find out the results of the biopsy in the next couple of days to make sure it's not something more serious than the suspected PUPPP.

Time for some cereal then bedtime. :)

Here's a link to pictures from the shower, courtesy of my mother-in-law.

I'm 31 weeks, 2 days pregnant, and I REALLY want to set up the baby's stuff already!

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