The nurse asked if I have had any cramping or anything, and I told her about the menstrual-like back cramps I've had for the past 4 days or so, and she says "hopefully you'll be a little dilated today!" Yeah, I'm not holding my breath. I've been locked up tight since they started the internal exams, so we'll see.
So the doctor finally came in after making us wait for 10 minutes with my ass hanging out and the weird paper sheet over my goods. Checked the baby's heartbeat after taking almost a full minute to find it, which of course made me almost poop, but it was a good 132.
"Okay, put your feet in the stirrups," which is always fun since I can't see my feet, especially while laying flat on my back. But I finally got that worked out and he got all up in my area. Oh, ouch. Why does it hurt today?!?
"Oh, you're a little dilated!"
OMG! "Can you tell how much?"
"About 1cm"
So we asked him what their policy is on induction because we really don't want to go beyond 41 weeks because of the risk of the placenta dying and all that fun nonsense. He says, "oh you won't go that long!" and pulled out a calendar.
"Hhmm... you're due the 16th?"
"Well, how about Friday?"
"wait... THIS Friday!?"
OOOOMMMMGGGGG! "Uhhm... I don't know. I'm worried about going TOO early because of the risk of c-section"
"well, how about Monday?"
OOOOMMMMGGGGG! "uuhhhhhhh.... okay."
"Okay, be here at 6am Monday!"
HOLY !#%!#)_*!#$%^*&^
So umm... I'm gonna have a baby on Monday (hopefully).
It's been about an hour and a half since this revelation, and my adrenaline still hasn't calmed down. I texted my sister, and my BFF... I can't wait to call my parents this evening.
In baby news not related to me... well, related by blood, but not my actual kid... shut up:
My sister had her baby last Friday. Khai Jayden was a whopping 9lb, 14oz. Good grief! But he's damn adorable. It just sucks that we won't meet him until at least Christmas.
Alright... I need to go poop now, thanks to all the excitement.
I'm 38 weeks, 5 days pregnant, and having a baby in 5 days!?!?

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