Had another appointment today. Still no progress. *insert frowny face* The doctor again said "he's still big!" Yep. I don't think he's going to shrink much in the next 3 weeks. Anyway, heartbeat was 141. Everything is grand, but this waiting game is getting old.
After the doctor's, I had lunch with a couple of fabulous ladies who I used to work with at the bar. I don't have a lot of girlfriends, and I'm fine with that. But our very sporadic lunch dates are a nice change of pace from sitting around the house staring at Dan all day. I mean, he's cute, but you can only take so much togetherness time with one person, right? (Love you, babe!)
Then Dan and I had dinner at the diner where my sister works. They have these amazing, award-winning ribs (and by award-winning, I mean, they've won awards at local rib fests. Whatever.) on the last Wednesday of every month. And I have half a rack waiting for me to polish off tomorrow for lunch. Win.
I don't have much to discuss with you, Blogosphere, with no cervical progress happening. So, sorry about that. But I bought a whole fresh pineapple today, in an effort to make something happen. I'll let you know how that goes.
I'm 37 weeks, 5 days pregnant, and getting bored with the whole thing.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
36-ish week appointment
I had my 36 week appointment today. Woke up at 10:03 and my appointment was scheduled at 10:20. Great. I like not having time to shower before a doctor's appointment. Gross. So we get there, I do the pee-in-a-cup thing, the nurse checks my blood pressure, then tells me the doctor is going to do the first internal exam today. OH SUPER! I'm even more glad I didn't have time to shower. Talk about awkward. But, I did shower twice yesterday, and I'm sure he's seen dirtier parts then mine. So whatever.
So they did the Group B Strep test where they took a culture of my cervix. That's plenty uncomfortable. Followed by a finger exam to determine if I've started dilating, which I haven't. Damn. But when we were eating lunch afterward, I told Dan that after Friday (when I'll be full-term), we're going to start walking the neighborhood to try to tempt things to get going. I'm ready to be done. I want to meet my kid and have plenty of time to hang out with him before I have to go back to work.
Yesterday we went to the health department, since I'm getting government-funded Medicaid, I qualify for WIC. I'm not so concerned with the WIC as I am the free breast pump they give to Medicaid moms. I really don't want to spend upwards of $300 on one in store if I don't have to. So we did the preliminary paperwork and have an hour-and-a-half long appointment set for Tuesday morning to do a bunch of other paperwork and figure out if I can get what I need. Plus, I get to meet a lactation consultant, which is epic. I'm super excited to have a human resource available for when I get frustrated with, or about, not being able to BF. That's reassuring. Dan will only be able to comfort me so much without knowing what I'll actually be going through.
Speaking of Dan -- He just left for a job interview. Pretty much the first one he's had since being on unemployment for over a year. Chances are, it won't pay as well as unemployment to begin with, but there's opportunity for advancement and better pay within 6 or 7 months. And he's qualified for the job. And the interview is with a girl he knew in school and talks to on Facebook, so hopefully that will work to his advantage.
I am a little nervous about him getting a job right now though, with me having a baby in less than a month. Could be interesting. Apparently though, the position starts at something measly like 20 hours a week, so if he could work it out to do 5 four-hour days and work 9am-1pm and get home by 1:30 (it's in a town about a half-hours drive away), then when I start back to work, it'll be great. Since I was working 2pm-8pm or so. Perfect, and we won't have to pay for child care. And then in those 6 or 7 months, if he were to get more hours or a higher paying position, there's a chance I could stop working all together and do the stay-at-home mom thing for a while. EPIC. But I would absolutely keep up with my pharmacy tech continuing education so as to not lose my certification. Pharm Tech is a pretty sweet position, and since I'm nationally certified, I will always be able to get a job if I ever need/want to go back.
Plus, if I keep my certification, I get to keep the fun "CPhT" (Certified Pharmacy Technician) at the end of my signature. :)
Anyway... only a few days left! We still have to deep clean the house and wash all of Jack's stuff and install and have inspected the carseat bases. Not much to do, but I still don't want to do it all in one day or I'll be big-time bored for the next 3 weeks.
I'm 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant, and feeling pretty good about today.
So they did the Group B Strep test where they took a culture of my cervix. That's plenty uncomfortable. Followed by a finger exam to determine if I've started dilating, which I haven't. Damn. But when we were eating lunch afterward, I told Dan that after Friday (when I'll be full-term), we're going to start walking the neighborhood to try to tempt things to get going. I'm ready to be done. I want to meet my kid and have plenty of time to hang out with him before I have to go back to work.
Yesterday we went to the health department, since I'm getting government-funded Medicaid, I qualify for WIC. I'm not so concerned with the WIC as I am the free breast pump they give to Medicaid moms. I really don't want to spend upwards of $300 on one in store if I don't have to. So we did the preliminary paperwork and have an hour-and-a-half long appointment set for Tuesday morning to do a bunch of other paperwork and figure out if I can get what I need. Plus, I get to meet a lactation consultant, which is epic. I'm super excited to have a human resource available for when I get frustrated with, or about, not being able to BF. That's reassuring. Dan will only be able to comfort me so much without knowing what I'll actually be going through.
Speaking of Dan -- He just left for a job interview. Pretty much the first one he's had since being on unemployment for over a year. Chances are, it won't pay as well as unemployment to begin with, but there's opportunity for advancement and better pay within 6 or 7 months. And he's qualified for the job. And the interview is with a girl he knew in school and talks to on Facebook, so hopefully that will work to his advantage.
I am a little nervous about him getting a job right now though, with me having a baby in less than a month. Could be interesting. Apparently though, the position starts at something measly like 20 hours a week, so if he could work it out to do 5 four-hour days and work 9am-1pm and get home by 1:30 (it's in a town about a half-hours drive away), then when I start back to work, it'll be great. Since I was working 2pm-8pm or so. Perfect, and we won't have to pay for child care. And then in those 6 or 7 months, if he were to get more hours or a higher paying position, there's a chance I could stop working all together and do the stay-at-home mom thing for a while. EPIC. But I would absolutely keep up with my pharmacy tech continuing education so as to not lose my certification. Pharm Tech is a pretty sweet position, and since I'm nationally certified, I will always be able to get a job if I ever need/want to go back.
Plus, if I keep my certification, I get to keep the fun "CPhT" (Certified Pharmacy Technician) at the end of my signature. :)
Anyway... only a few days left! We still have to deep clean the house and wash all of Jack's stuff and install and have inspected the carseat bases. Not much to do, but I still don't want to do it all in one day or I'll be big-time bored for the next 3 weeks.
I'm 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant, and feeling pretty good about today.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Mild anxiety is setting in.
Every little bit of low pressure I feel makes me freak out a little bit that we don't have everything ready for Jack's arrival. We have to set up his bed, find places for the 800+ diapers we've gotten, install the car seats, find a breast pump and accessories, clean the house 10 more times, wash all of his clothes.
...and we only have 28 days to do all of that. Granted, that's like two days worth of work, but when I'm so tired all the time, and the cankles are pretty much a round-the-clock deal now, it feels like we're not going to be ready.
But I'm sure we will be when the time comes. At least we'll be as ready as we can be. Which, when it's a first baby, how prepared can you really be? I think it's a situation where you think you're ready, then this new little person shows up and spins your whole life around and you realize you were never going to be as ready as you thought you were. So if we end up not being ready, that will be okay too. This will be a huge learning experience, so we don't mess up the second kid... hopefully.
I'll just keep telling myself that everything will end up being okay. It helps me sleep at night.
I'm 36 weeks pregnant since it's after midnight now... Holy crap.
...and we only have 28 days to do all of that. Granted, that's like two days worth of work, but when I'm so tired all the time, and the cankles are pretty much a round-the-clock deal now, it feels like we're not going to be ready.
But I'm sure we will be when the time comes. At least we'll be as ready as we can be. Which, when it's a first baby, how prepared can you really be? I think it's a situation where you think you're ready, then this new little person shows up and spins your whole life around and you realize you were never going to be as ready as you thought you were. So if we end up not being ready, that will be okay too. This will be a huge learning experience, so we don't mess up the second kid... hopefully.
I'll just keep telling myself that everything will end up being okay. It helps me sleep at night.
I'm 36 weeks pregnant since it's after midnight now... Holy crap.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Baby Shower #2: Amazing!
Dan and I just got back from a too-fast weekend in Illinois with my extended family. The whole point in our going out there was because my Grandmother wanted to throw us a baby shower. So I got to see most of my mom's family on Friday night, and we scored an amazing haul of baby stuff.
Something like 600 diapers in various sizes, tons of clothes, a bag of books, and some random things here and there. It was pretty great.
My sister and brother-in-law actually drove us out there, and it was sad to realize that this would be the last trip to Illinois with just the four of us. The next time, baby Jack will be here. But that should add an exciting new element to the 5-hour road trip.
In other news: my little sister is having contractions, and her doctors are saying she might pop by Tuesday. She's not due until 2 weeks from today, but her LO has been measuring way ahead the whole time, and she's had to do a ton of NSTs every week because of it. So there's a solid chance I'll get to meet (via Skype, since she lives in Germany) my new nephew in a few days! AAH!
Alright... time to go ogle all the cute crap we got this weekend and find places to shove it all. :)
ETA: I wrote this post at around 7:00pm. It's now 11:30 and I am uncomfortable. I think Jack may have dropped down into my pelvis. I'm having wicked pressure down low and feel like I have to pee every 20 minutes. I was walking up and down the stairs to do laundry and it feels like I've got a pile of bricks pushing down on my pelvis. Oye. Also, my feet are wicked swollen tonight. *sigh*
I'm 35 weeks, 3 days pregnant, and just about prepared for this kid.
Something like 600 diapers in various sizes, tons of clothes, a bag of books, and some random things here and there. It was pretty great.
My sister and brother-in-law actually drove us out there, and it was sad to realize that this would be the last trip to Illinois with just the four of us. The next time, baby Jack will be here. But that should add an exciting new element to the 5-hour road trip.
In other news: my little sister is having contractions, and her doctors are saying she might pop by Tuesday. She's not due until 2 weeks from today, but her LO has been measuring way ahead the whole time, and she's had to do a ton of NSTs every week because of it. So there's a solid chance I'll get to meet (via Skype, since she lives in Germany) my new nephew in a few days! AAH!
Alright... time to go ogle all the cute crap we got this weekend and find places to shove it all. :)
ETA: I wrote this post at around 7:00pm. It's now 11:30 and I am uncomfortable. I think Jack may have dropped down into my pelvis. I'm having wicked pressure down low and feel like I have to pee every 20 minutes. I was walking up and down the stairs to do laundry and it feels like I've got a pile of bricks pushing down on my pelvis. Oye. Also, my feet are wicked swollen tonight. *sigh*
I'm 35 weeks, 3 days pregnant, and just about prepared for this kid.
Monday, June 7, 2010
I'm starting to struggle.
I can not wait for this kid to make his debut. I worked a measly 5 hour shift today and I was hurting. This pregnancy is finally kicking my ass. If I sit for longer than an hour, my ankles swell and feel weird. If I stand for longer than 3 minutes, I can't breathe, which makes me ridiculously tired. I can't get comfortable when I sleep because there's a giant belly in the way, and if it's warmer than 65 degrees in the house, I sweat to death. I've got the acne of a 12-year-old greasy boy. I can't reach to tie my shoes without needing an oxygen tank. And I'm still mildly itchy from the rash... more so when I get even the least bit hot.
I just want to be done.
Here's a cute picture of me and Dan from this past weekend. Sorry it's blurry. Obviously, I took it myself, and we were in a dimly lit hotel room, standing like, 2 feet from a full-length mirror. Whatever. Just pay attention to how cute the dress is. Also, Dan likes it because he thinks it makes his junk look bigger. So... okay then.
I'm 34 weeks, 3 days pregnant, and exhausted.
I just want to be done.
Here's a cute picture of me and Dan from this past weekend. Sorry it's blurry. Obviously, I took it myself, and we were in a dimly lit hotel room, standing like, 2 feet from a full-length mirror. Whatever. Just pay attention to how cute the dress is. Also, Dan likes it because he thinks it makes his junk look bigger. So... okay then.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
We had another baby appointment this morning. Jack's heart rate was about 132, which is pretty good. As soon as I laid on the table and pulled my shirt up, the doctor says "oh, he's getting pretty big, huh?" Uhm, yes. Thank you for pointing out that my belly is ginormous.
And he again mentioned that at the last ultrasound, Jack's head was substantially large. I'm figuring that has to be genetic. Apparently, Dan had a rather large dome when he was born too. So the doctor made a comment about how his huge noggin will lead to a hard labor. Super. That whole watermelon through a key-hole metaphor is going to become reality in a few weeks.
But, as he was looking at my chart, scoping my kid's big cranium and looking at how the ultrasound suggests a new due date of July 9th, I got the distinct feeling that he is considering moving my due date up a week. Holy cannoli!
This leads me to start freaking out about the fact that all I've done to get ready for this baby is put the stroller together. His bed is still in the box (for fear the cats will sleep in it), there's still some things we're holding out on purchasing (we have one more baby shower in 2 weeks), and I still don't feel like it's real. Gah!
In lighter news, after 25 years of life, and having to pee in a cup 15 times in the past year, I finally figured out how to do it without peeing all over my hand. Which is a big victory. Just sucks that it took me until now to grasp this concept. :P And when I was working on this, I kind of bent over, since I can't see my own downstairs-situation anymore, and when I stood up, I was wicked dizzy. That was almost 3 hours ago, and my head is still a little wonky.
Being pregnant is awesome.
I'm 33 weeks and 5 days pregnant, feel like I might puke, and hoping Jack will get to make his debut a week sooner!
And he again mentioned that at the last ultrasound, Jack's head was substantially large. I'm figuring that has to be genetic. Apparently, Dan had a rather large dome when he was born too. So the doctor made a comment about how his huge noggin will lead to a hard labor. Super. That whole watermelon through a key-hole metaphor is going to become reality in a few weeks.
But, as he was looking at my chart, scoping my kid's big cranium and looking at how the ultrasound suggests a new due date of July 9th, I got the distinct feeling that he is considering moving my due date up a week. Holy cannoli!
This leads me to start freaking out about the fact that all I've done to get ready for this baby is put the stroller together. His bed is still in the box (for fear the cats will sleep in it), there's still some things we're holding out on purchasing (we have one more baby shower in 2 weeks), and I still don't feel like it's real. Gah!
In lighter news, after 25 years of life, and having to pee in a cup 15 times in the past year, I finally figured out how to do it without peeing all over my hand. Which is a big victory. Just sucks that it took me until now to grasp this concept. :P And when I was working on this, I kind of bent over, since I can't see my own downstairs-situation anymore, and when I stood up, I was wicked dizzy. That was almost 3 hours ago, and my head is still a little wonky.
Being pregnant is awesome.
I'm 33 weeks and 5 days pregnant, feel like I might puke, and hoping Jack will get to make his debut a week sooner!
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