Wednesday, June 2, 2010


We had another baby appointment this morning. Jack's heart rate was about 132, which is pretty good. As soon as I laid on the table and pulled my shirt up, the doctor says "oh, he's getting pretty big, huh?" Uhm, yes. Thank you for pointing out that my belly is ginormous.

And he again mentioned that at the last ultrasound, Jack's head was substantially large. I'm figuring that has to be genetic. Apparently, Dan had a rather large dome when he was born too. So the doctor made a comment about how his huge noggin will lead to a hard labor. Super. That whole watermelon through a key-hole metaphor is going to become reality in a few weeks.

But, as he was looking at my chart, scoping my kid's big cranium and looking at how the ultrasound suggests a new due date of July 9th, I got the distinct feeling that he is considering moving my due date up a week. Holy cannoli!

This leads me to start freaking out about the fact that all I've done to get ready for this baby is put the stroller together. His bed is still in the box (for fear the cats will sleep in it), there's still some things we're holding out on purchasing (we have one more baby shower in 2 weeks), and I still don't feel like it's real. Gah!

In lighter news, after 25 years of life, and having to pee in a cup 15 times in the past year, I finally figured out how to do it without peeing all over my hand. Which is a big victory. Just sucks that it took me until now to grasp this concept. :P And when I was working on this, I kind of bent over, since I can't see my own downstairs-situation anymore, and when I stood up, I was wicked dizzy. That was almost 3 hours ago, and my head is still a little wonky.

Being pregnant is awesome.

I'm 33 weeks and 5 days pregnant, feel like I might puke, and hoping Jack will get to make his debut a week sooner!

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