Friday, June 18, 2010

Mild anxiety is setting in.

Every little bit of low pressure I feel makes me freak out a little bit that we don't have everything ready for Jack's arrival. We have to set up his bed, find places for the 800+ diapers we've gotten, install the car seats, find a breast pump and accessories, clean the house 10 more times, wash all of his clothes.

...and we only have 28 days to do all of that. Granted, that's like two days worth of work, but when I'm so tired all the time, and the cankles are pretty much a round-the-clock deal now, it feels like we're not going to be ready.

But I'm sure we will be when the time comes. At least we'll be as ready as we can be. Which, when it's a first baby, how prepared can you really be? I think it's a situation where you think you're ready, then this new little person shows up and spins your whole life around and you realize you were never going to be as ready as you thought you were. So if we end up not being ready, that will be okay too. This will be a huge learning experience, so we don't mess up the second kid... hopefully.

I'll just keep telling myself that everything will end up being okay. It helps me sleep at night.

I'm 36 weeks pregnant since it's after midnight now... Holy crap.

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